Thursday, May 21, 2015

Facing Fears, Going for it, Teaching and Learning with Kids - Day 2

Ok, day 2, here we go! This morning I drove from Atenas to Playa Hermosa to Dave’s house. This is part of my Thursdays’ routine. There is an organic farmers market here in Playa Hermosa every Thursday so I make the trip to be able to hit up the market to have veggies for part of next week and I combine it with a visit to Dave and a couple of surfing sessions, so surfing this afternoon! Yohooo! It also looks like the waves are good.

Back to the commitment. The first day of this journey already gave its fruits. I was able to seize the moment and overcome fear and make a volunteering offer and create another purposeful commitment with my community all in one move! I love the universe showing the way and one being able to see it and going for it. Face your fears that’s where the path is, otherwise you just stay in your shelter with no path. My neighbor, a pre-kinder teacher in her home school started chatting with me across the fence and I made the move of offering help with the kids. I have been thinking about working with kids for a while, specifically using healthy eating and planting your own food as the basis for their education. Making a parenthesis, a man and a program that are already doing this pretty successfully and changing kids’ lives are Diego Ruete in Uruguay with his program Petit Gourmet. Check them out. Back to the preschool next door. This school always seemed like a great opportunity to put my foot through the door of education. The moment arose and I jumped in. The teacher and I agreed that I will volunteer once a week helping the kids with their English. Next step is to start preparing the class! Face the fear!

Do any of you have suggestions regarding progressive teaching tools? I was thinking I would use the environment to work on colors and numbers and make some interactive activities. Any ideas you have would be greatly appreciated. I will try to incorporate some of Diego’s ideas.

Numbers and color through food.
This takes me to a second topic that has been in my recent life. Creating systems that do not depend on the monetary system, for example an all-help-all system without money in the middle or learning how the money system works and making it work for you. I will possibly expand on these subjects in other posts but I wanted to let you know that there is a movement starting that uses favors as the exchange between humans. Also, last night I went with my wife Elke to listen and interact with Robert Kyosaki the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad and he clearly showed how money is worth less and less every day, so working for money is working for something that does not really have value. Let’s work for what we believe in and work on helping others.

Serve our future.

On that note see you tomorrow!

1 comment:

Elke said...

no paycheck attitude!!