Monday, May 25, 2015

Be ok with your crooked license plate - Day 6

Holiday in the country where your company is set, but working day in the country you live in. This equals a perfect day to run government errands. Dealing with the government and its processes is not the most fun. I just went to get my new license plates for my car. The process was pretty smooth actually but guess what? The license plates' holes do not match the old plates’, so they cannot be easily placed on to the car hehehe! Some things are ridiculous. I am deciding if I should drill a new hole in the license plates or 2 new holes in the car. You let me know. I think I am just going to drill the license plate. It’s not the cars fault.

The week has started busy. It even started before expected when one of our garden faucets exploded in the middle of the night yesterday. Elke and I tried fixing it and eventually found a temporary solution until today. The mystery was that we could not get the water to stop running. We closed the main water supply and the faucet still sprayed water like a bubbly, shaken champagne bottle. We eventually found out that that specific faucet is connected to the neighbor’s water line. Huh???? Obviously the neighbor was already asleep so we could not do anything. Today, it’s already fixed.

Like last night, we never know what is going to happen. I even had gone to bed early to make sure I slept 8 hours before the week started, but no. We spend a lot of time planning and trying to construct the path ahead of time through plans, but always, the path taken is another and is unknown. It is great to set goals since they give us a main direction and something to aim for but trying to plan the specifics is a waste of time in my opinion. Or even harsher, a recipe that creates frustration and un-met expectations. I recently heard somewhere, that it is better to establish our values and then navigate through life using those values as a reference, as our compass, rather than trying to control the outcome of every single event.
As part of God or the Universe or the Being (the Being is what I will call it from now on) we are a piece of the whole, a set of windows where the One Being looks into the world. The Being works through us. Since we have a consciousness and an awareness sometimes we get lost in how we are separate from the rest and we have an identity crisis because we think we are separate but deep down we know we are not. This causes crisis to arise until we start realizing the Oneness. Imagine or know, that every single person is YOU just with a different set of filters and eyes. Wow! The Being will work through us and our values, no need to try and control everything. Another piece of advice I received indirectly from a Chilean Economist talking to the young generation was to keep your antennas up, be alert and focused, and surf the wave of life. I like that.

Sometimes you just have to be ok with a crooked license plate for a while.


Anonymous said...

bien dicho Allan

Unknown said...

Vamo arriba! No se quien puso el comentario pero vamo arriba!