Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Letting Myself Flow – Day 26

Good morning everyone! Sun is shining her in Atenas, Costa Rica. I reincorporated a practice I had put on hold for a while. I am talking about meditating. A moment to be with yourself and listen to your inner body. I have been jumping from one thing to the next without stop. Don’t get me wrong. I have been jumping from amazing thing to amazing thing but there was not much time for myself in silence. Today, I decided to change that and sat outside after my breakfast and just was. I sat looking at the Sun rise over the houses. I sat, listening to my breath and the calmness of it. I sat outside watching birds fly by. I sat outside with Lupe. I reincorporated this practice because I read an article by Amateo Ra about connecting to your Higher Self and it mentioned meditation which reminded me how much I like meditation and slowing down and how much I need it in these moments of rapid change. I love meditating but sometimes my mind wins over my wisdom and I get trapped in the cycle of doing stuff, of being as “productive” as possible. This even includes listening incredible podcasts. However, there is nothing greater than tapping into our Higher Self wisdom. Take a breath each day and dedicate it to yourself.

There has been a lot happening lately and slowly through this creative blog, through the creativity I am expressing at work, through the tools I am receiving from the network marketing project, through personal practice, through talks with my wife, through tapping into other people’s lives virtually and seeing the amazing work they are doing, I am balancing with my core and slowly getting to understand my purpose in this point of my life. I still do not have it defined exactly but as far as I know my purpose is to be a good husband, a good family member, a good friend, a good neighbor and practice my creativity every day to keep marching into my higher calling. When I say good I mean true to my essence.

I invite you to start exploring yourself, find your core values, your core passions. Here is where you will impact the world the most. This will not be done immediately, but start letting yourself flow and have faith that the Being will guide you towards your true path. Make the move today. Free yourself with one little act of creativity today and then commit to it every day. Please let me know where this path takes you. Keep in touch.


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