How is everyone doing this Friday!? Work week is done! Now
let the creativity and the craziness in! Yoohoo! What to do!!!?? Allan, focus!
Writing first hehe! One step at the time if not you get way ahead of yourself
and then you get lost. Hehe. That is what I am telling myself at this moment.
Tonight I feel like drinking a beer, watching some surf on
the TV (the Fiji Pro tournament in ON) and relax with friends and not do much
else. I feel like having a little party and some drinks. I guess what I want to
say is that I want to socialize a bit. Anyone in!? I have been in the cave too
much today! I am glad my wife is coming home soon!
Today I had an inspirational moment while finishing a
presentation for a potential new client. I almost could not contain myself and wanted to share the excitement with my family. Instead I ended up just focusing on work.
Guess what happened? The potential client never showed up to the presentation! Arghh! I was telling
myself that I should have listened to my intuition. I feel like intuition knows
the future so it can decide based on that knowledge, but I was expecting
another future, so I decided to focus on work instead of talking about my
revelation. Allan, work! The deadline is approaching! Hehe!. Nothing to get all
worked up about, at the end of the day, all happenings are Godly and perfectly
timed, nothing else could have happened, but definitely something to consider next time. Be
aware of my intuition and if the energy is high and it’s asking me to act upon
it, go for it!
Here I go. This is what I was all excited about. I am kind
of reading this book called Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (strangest last name
I have ever seen and read! Never mind I cannot read that). This book is Konrad’s,
my father in law. Elke had it in her room and I borrowed it. This is how
the book found me. I read bits and pieces of it here and there and this time I
had it in the toilet room, so I started reading it again while doing a number two. Good times. The book’s main message, at least in the parts that I read, is
that if we can control our consciousness from outside influence, and by outside
influences the autor means society structures, media, propaganda, how other people
treat you, school or home results, religion or basically anything that happens
externally to oneself, then we can be happy or we can create happiness from
within. I agree! But the specific section or example that Mihaly gave that
drove me nuts, was that if Jesus comes again, Christian’s would crucify him
again! And I think that is true because imagine someone dressed up in the
simplest form coming up to you and saying, “hey I am Jesus, follow me”, hehe,
what would you do!? Would you follow? What would most people do? Most people
would say that this person is crazy. Almost nobody in the Christian society
lives in tune with Jesus’ values. We live in tune with the societal structure
created around the Church institution. Either way, there isn’t anyone to blame
or we don’t have to punish ourselves for not living in Jesus’ values we just
have to learn to evolve. The revelation that I had, and that I wanted to share, was that we have
to think outside of what people tell us are truths, think outside the status quo
and start living according to our values. And our core values are Jesus’
values. When the church says that Jesus will come again, this is just to keep
everyone waiting, in obedience and in control. Everyone just wait, Jesus IS
coming. How long have we repeated that? Jesus is already here! He is in all of
us. We are Jesus. I am Jesus. You are Jesus too. It’s up to us to let that
Jesus rise inside of us. No one has to tell us that we have to wait for him. We
are him. So challenge the status quo and live in your values. Nobody will save
us. Only Jesus will save me and I am already Jesus.
Blessing Jesuses of the world!
After writing Jesuses, I feel like something is weird.
Jesuses doesn’t seem right, so my conclusion is that the same Jesus (Oneness) is
within all of us. We are all the son of God!
Also, Je-sus, almost sounds like I AM in French but it also
sounds like, Yo sos, in Spanish which means I ARE which to me means I am you or I
am everything! Wow!
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