Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Modern Heroes – Health Coaches – Day 25

Happy Tuesday everyone!!! Very inspiring morning. I am a little late to work but I have been checking out some interesting nutritional information online and several ideas have been coming to my head for future projects. This is day 25 of this 30 day writing commitment but I think I am going to roll straight into the next 30 day commitment which will be like a season 2 of this writing commitment but with some evolution. I might take a couple of days off to let all the teachings from this blog sink in.

This morning I prepared a little magic potion with garden ingredients for my lady that was feeling a little strange in the belly. I was feeling strange too. I know that nature, our ecosystem and our environment can heal us in times of sickness. In the fast paced times in which we live, sometimes we don’t give time for our bodies to heal themselves by resting, because we have so many commitments and so many places we need to be, so we just pop a pill and keep on going. Our body should be our first commitment. No questions asked. We don’t give our temple the rest it needs to heal itself, instead we just take a chemical shortcut in fear that someone might be mad that we are not doing our job for the company, or just fear of not doing our jobs, or just because our minds are so accelerated that they cannot stop to let the healing process take over.

Resting and healthy food is all we need to fight our typical diseases. The body has the wisdom to cure and re-balance itself and if we are conscious of that we can help it out with food and rest. And you know what? Our bodies get stronger when they can heal themselves. If we try to heal ourselves with the quick fix, our body cannot develop the strength to combat these diseases and our body becomes weaker and weaker as time goes by. Also, the secondary effects of chemicals and antibiotics in our body are enormous as time goes by. Let your body heal itself. It has the wisdom to do so. We just have to give it time and feed it right. We cannot embrace a society that does not treasure the temples of each of its individuals. Treasure your temple. Your temple is you greatest tool to make an impact in this world so if it is not healthy then the rest will not be healthy.

This being said there are several people that are committing their lives to help us along the path of healing our bodies with food and good practice, instead of pharmaceutical medicine. They help us and teach us how to maintain health throughout our lives in an integral way. We call these people health coaches.

Our western medicine has been focusing on battling specific disease and we have become pretty good at it. We can deal with emergencies pretty well. But all this specific focus on killing a specific disease has caused us to forget the big picture, the integral picture of our health.

Health coaches are key players in medicine now a days since they can complement doctors by helping the people to be healthy and prevent disease while the doctors can make decisions in times of emergency.

Two of the health coaches I have been following are Mariana Stabile, a lady I know from my school in Uruguay and my brother Chris Campbell. They have both graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and they are practicing as health coaches.

Follow Mariana in her page and follow Chris on his page. Both of them have their own approach on how to maintain health in a holistic way based on their life experiences. Check them out, it’s very interesting.



And if you feel like you need some help with your health (to tell you the truth we probably all do) don’t hesitate to shoot them a message and start a relationship with them. They are our modern heroes and they are in this Earth to help us out!

Blessings to all!

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