Monday, June 22, 2015

Thank YOU! – Day 30

Hello, hello, hello everyone! I am writing today to say thank you! This is day 30 of this 30 day writing commitment and I wanted to thank everyone that is part of this journey. Talking to people about subjects that came up in my posts has been amazing! And just the out flow of creativity has been amazing  as well.

I know that this is just the beginning phase of something else, but I cannot help to feel sad that this little project is finishing. It is amazing to see how this little outward expression of myself has added such a big and new dimension in my day to day life. I feel like I have been connecting more with everyone and with myself. I have been feeling flowier, hehe.

The main teaching that I take out from this project is that doing something creative that I love every day of my life makes me happier, makes me more aware, makes me more connected and puts me closer to my true self. Probably there are a million other positive benefits of doing something like this that I cannot really see or understand.

These days the internet gives us a platform to be our own media and by everyone being their own media people get exposed to a greater variety of REAL medias that exist in the world, not only the big corporation driven media and propaganda. The internet gives as a platform for freedom of speech that can be accessed by anyone.

Today is to say thank you! Thank you for the times in which we are living. Thank you for the potential of human kind, thank you for the internet that brings awareness, thank you that we are not scared of taking leaps of faith and exploring reality, thank you that we are consciously creating reality, thank you for everyone in my life that guides me through my passage, thank you for everyone that supports me when I fall, thank everyone for looking for their passions and thank YOU for being YOU! There is no one like you and you are a very important piece of this puzzle.

I am going to take a couple of days to let everything sink in and soon you will hear back from me. I am already thinking about the next challenge and idea. Stay tuned.

Jah Bless!
Thank you.

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