Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Unconditional Lupe – Day 18

An atypical Tuesday. I am writing in the afternoon since the circumstances of the day left me with this moment to write my daily post. The morning was pretty busy and I had to get on going pretty quickly. I had to be at the vet at 7am because we needed to get a blood sample from Lupe, my dog, so it could then be sent to the University of Kansas, where it will be tested for rabies. Not that Lupe has signs of rabies or anything like that, but it is a requirement we need to fulfill to be able to travel with Lupe to Europe. Yes, we are taking Lupe to Holland! I think she will like the weather but she will definitely miss the waves.

Lupe is already a travelling dog. I adopted her in Austin, Texas. At that time I did not have a car so she used to run right next to my bicycle. She is great at that! We travelled all over Austin. She loves Zilker Park and any water hole she could find including Barton Creek. Then I bought a little bike trailer (check out this post to see the trailer in action) and we were able to travel longer distances since I would put her in the trailer when she was tired. To tell you the truth she did not like it that much.

Once I got my car in Austin, she became the co-pilot, travelling even larger distances. I would take her to Dallas to see my parents and to Houston to see my brother Chris. She even came with my Dad and myself on a roadtrip from Austin to Miami and back one Christmas break when we went to see my other brother Tommy and his wife Ale. She loooooves roadtrips and does not like staying at home by herself.

Of course, once I moved to Costa Rica I had to bring her with. She did awesome, and she loves her crate in which she traveled. In Costa Rica she has lived on the beach where she was in her best shape, running almost 6 km a day and playing in the beach for about 3 hours (she waits and plays while Dave and I surf, she is amazing!). In Costa Rica she has traveled to the city to stay with her best friend Oscar several times. They even got sick together. Both of them have traveled with us on a family vacation to Nicaragua! That was an interesting adventure, hehe! Now she lives in Atenas in the hills between the city in the mountain plains and the beach. And as I mention above, her next destination is Holland. I almost need to get her a worldwide passport.

This post is dedicated to my canine companion Lupe. I never thought I could love a dog as much as love her. She is definitely my first adopted child and she is by my side and by every good person’s side always. She always offering her unconditional love. Gracias Lupe!

One last note on unconditional love. I just heard another great podcast in the Unmistakable Creative called “Accepting the transparent reality of your core identity” with Wesley Chapman. Wesley mentions that one of the greatest teaching he has ever received is to see a person’s weakness as their FALSE self and see their greatness as their TRUE self, as their potential to change the world. As we mentioned before everyone has the answer within themselves. Let this teaching guide us in all our human relationships. We are all brothers.

Lupe falls asleep on the veggies of the farmer market.

Lupe goes surfing.

Lupe with Oscar, Elke and myself in the mountain.

Lupe's first time at the beach. Nos she can't hold herself.

Lupe in Miami for Christmas.

Lupe modeling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

divina la lupe!!!!