Thursday, July 09, 2015

Ellie Irie

Ellie Irie! How to even start describing you and all that you mean in my life and your parent’s life. You came to this world through the ebbs and flow of peace and pain. From your mom reaching the heavens with her vocal chords and the concentration of all her energy on to you, while the sky was lighting up, releasing its potential energy, to the peaceful, silent moments of the breaks between each contraction.

Your parents had built the nest and the pool for you to come into a cozy place in this world and chose the best guides to guide them through the process of bringing you in.

I didn’t see your mom give birth to you but I felt it so clearly. Part of my energy was connected to yours. I was cheering for your mom, screaming to my insides, “Vamo Lauren!!!!” Lauren and every mom of the world, you guys are amazing! You guys are the miracle together with the new born. I thought playing rugby, tackling someone as hard as I could or even breaking my knee’s ligaments or my nose was tough. Not even close. Women are the tough ones. No man will ever experience what a woman experiences when giving birth. Ellie Irie, your coming into this world through your mom was one of the most humbling and magical experience I have ever felt.

The process was magical. The day started with your mom singing and ohming to tune up her body for the experience. The ohmings were in tune with the contractions. The contractions slowly built up and got closer together as the day advanced. The expectaction was elevating. Lauren was getting ready. At around 4:30pm the mid wife arrived and half an hour later the doula arrived was ready. Mom, dad, the midwife and the doula were ready for the ceremony. The contractions were in the few minute ranges and the pain was elevating exponentially. Lauren in the birth tub, Chris holding her hand and documenting the experience and Vicky and Naty orchestrating all the efforts based on Lauren’s body reactions.

After one hour and a half of your mom going through a Trans of pain and peace, Ellie Irie you were born. Coming out of your mom, into the warm water and then into the air. You took your first breath! Your mom told you “I love you so much, Ellie Irie!” You gently cried, understanding this new way of being by breathing. Then you were peaceful in your parents nest. The storm had passed. The rain fell gently on the house’s roof. The house was filled with the new family’s peace. I wept of happiness outside the door and Elkita arrived to feel the magical energy.

You were born 7:21pm on July 7th of 2015 in Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica.

Welcome Ellie Irie! Happy 2nd day on this Earth!

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Documenting the journey

I am back to the writing! This time, the time frame is indefinite, the posts will be every 2 or 3 days and I will share my craziness in several formats and ways.

After I stopped the writing a couple of weeks ago, I went into a little depression period. My creative outlet was closed. I even cut all my hair off as a way of creating another creative outlet. That was a one-time thing, so not really a sustainable outlet. It was a little bit of a roller coaster.

New look, same craziness!
 Elkita told me to keep on writing but I was thinking there was something else to fill in that space since I was having so many ideas while writing the previous blog season. The flux of ideas started overwhelming me because I did not know where to start and my heart was closing. I was flying to high without knowing how to land. This time around I am practicing the landing as well!

Yesterday, while working with Mauricio Bruce a medicine man that works on Energy Medicine and Shamanic Healing here in Costa Rica, it was clear that I needed to continue my writing, as Elkita had mentioned, and use this as my baseline to fulfill and expand my creative side that is always longing to express itself. So here I am and I am grateful to be back. Mauricio also taught me some grounding exercises to help me follow through on my ideas.

After the session with Mauricio, Elkita and I were joking. We were saying “you had to go pay for a shamanic session while your wife was already telling you what to do all the way!” hehe. Sometimes the wisdom that comes from the closest source is the wisest but the hardest to hear. Hence, learning how to listen to our hearts it our deepest and wisest teaching.

I will be collaborating with other awareness bringers to broaden my perspectives and to be able to share deeper insights of this magical, galactic journey called life. Stay tuned!

For everyone that has been following the previous post season, you might be aware that Lauren and Chris are already at home and Ellie Irie is almost with us in this world! We can feel the magic in the air. Lauren is super calm and happy and Chris is maintaining the base line. Ellie Irie come meet us! There even is a birth tub in the bedroom that Lauren will sit in when she is in labor and giving birth.

Birth tub in the nest.

Blessings family!

PS: I started a Facebook page with my artistic name, Naya Supercamp. I will consolidate my posts in this page.  

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Unas palabras de luz.

Hagan click para ver el video de Chris compartiendo sus pensamientos. Blessings.

El poder de ser quien realmente somos
Posted by Holistic Health & Wellness with Chris Campbell on MiƩrcoles, 1 de julio de 2015

Monday, June 22, 2015

Thank YOU! – Day 30

Hello, hello, hello everyone! I am writing today to say thank you! This is day 30 of this 30 day writing commitment and I wanted to thank everyone that is part of this journey. Talking to people about subjects that came up in my posts has been amazing! And just the out flow of creativity has been amazing  as well.

I know that this is just the beginning phase of something else, but I cannot help to feel sad that this little project is finishing. It is amazing to see how this little outward expression of myself has added such a big and new dimension in my day to day life. I feel like I have been connecting more with everyone and with myself. I have been feeling flowier, hehe.

The main teaching that I take out from this project is that doing something creative that I love every day of my life makes me happier, makes me more aware, makes me more connected and puts me closer to my true self. Probably there are a million other positive benefits of doing something like this that I cannot really see or understand.

These days the internet gives us a platform to be our own media and by everyone being their own media people get exposed to a greater variety of REAL medias that exist in the world, not only the big corporation driven media and propaganda. The internet gives as a platform for freedom of speech that can be accessed by anyone.

Today is to say thank you! Thank you for the times in which we are living. Thank you for the potential of human kind, thank you for the internet that brings awareness, thank you that we are not scared of taking leaps of faith and exploring reality, thank you that we are consciously creating reality, thank you for everyone in my life that guides me through my passage, thank you for everyone that supports me when I fall, thank everyone for looking for their passions and thank YOU for being YOU! There is no one like you and you are a very important piece of this puzzle.

I am going to take a couple of days to let everything sink in and soon you will hear back from me. I am already thinking about the next challenge and idea. Stay tuned.

Jah Bless!
Thank you.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Unusual Sunday, its Father's day here in Costa Rica - Day 29

Oh Sunday! The night was really warm. I set up the fan from the innovation cave so we would not sweat into the sheets. Once the fan was on, the night became really enjoyable. Before going to bed I turned on the computer to try and write yesterday's blog but my brian's connections were not functioning right. What I wanted to write about yesterday was that I had one too many jeje. We had a little party with friends yesterday!

We woke up with the fan still on which made it nice to stay a little longer in bed even though it was still pretty hot. After waking up we headed down stairs to start preparing a nice little Sunday breakfast. I was reaching for the blender's blades and the rest of its pieces from the drying rack. In one of my turns, I accidentaly bumbed the blender's container, which is made out glass. It bounced off the counter and was flying to the ground. In a reflexive attempt to save it I extended my leg to try and catch it before it hit the ground, but in the same reflective movement I realized I was not going to make it so I removed my foot from the impact zone. While the blender's container was shattering against the ground I was balancing myself in an awkward position and while trying to re gain balance I scraped my foot against one of the pieces of glass on the floor and blood inmediately started flowing out. The cut stung and my foot was full of blood. I could not tell how deep or large the cut was. Elkita helped me clean it up and even though there was quite a bit of blood coming out, the cut was pretty small. Elkita cleaned it up with some soap and water and I put some pressure on it until the blood flow was small. Then Elkita patched me up. All is good now.

All patched up by Elkita

To add to this story. In the process of getting the soap and water and band aids, Elkita realized that Lupe had gone to do number two  in the night in our downstrairs bathroom. We could not help but laugh about how this day had started. Before anything happened Elke was going to tell me how she liked our systems to start the day off, with breakfast for example but then all this happend. Either way our systems helped us take care of everything pretty quickly and still prepare a delicious breakfast.

Today is fathers day here in Costa Rica. I am very blessed to have a father that has guided me and supported me all my life. He was strict in some of his ways when he was raising us which made me become strong in a lot of aspects. He also gave me a lot of freedom while growing up as well. He now is calm and has a lot of self love. He is one of the persons that does not let his mind sabbotage him that much. He is self assured. He finds the wisdom from within. And has a great inner and core strength. What I cherish the most about my Dad is that he is always there to lend me a hand. I know that he will always be there for me. Feliz dia Pa! Happy day to all the fathers out there.

My mentor, supporter and friend from the beginning.

Another great teaching I had from my Reiki teacher was to always be open to the wisdom of our elders. To all my elders thanks for sharing the wisdom.

Blessings and happy Sunday family!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Fall in tune with the Universe – Day 28

Good morning family! Happy Friday to everyone around the world! Here in Atenas the day is beautiful! We stayed in bed a little longer and then prepared an awesome breakfast with a big green smoothie, some warn tortillas con queso and a delicious Costa Rican coffee. Elke is working from home today so it feels like the weekend already. The energies in the house are really lively and happy!

A couple of weeks ago we received a new table that came from Elke’s grandma’s house. It’s lovely. You can feel its energy! So we moved the other table that was downstairs up into a little loft area that we were not using that much and now it became the inspiration cave! We had to buy a little fan to keep the area cool since the area has no windows and the days are getting hotter and hotter due to the lack of rain. We need the rain! It seems like it’s all falling in Texas right now. Texans stay safe and harvest water!

I just finished texting with Anne, Elke’s sister who is doing an internship in Germany, and our chat just triggered a new set of thoughts in my brain. She brought up the Letting myself flow post and at the same time I was looking for a 432 Hz spiritual music on Youtube to listen to while writing. The thoughts or concepts that came up in my brain where “frequency” and “rhythm”.

Why 432 Hz spiritual music? A Mexican Guru that we met on our honeymoon travels through la Quebrada de Humahuaca in the province of Jujuy in the North West of Argentina, explained to us that 432 Hz frequency music is healing, connecting music. When he said that, my being received that information as full truth and at this moment I am experiencing that truth! Another interesting fact of the story is that the Mexican Guru’s name is Imix which means The Beginning.

Obviously, rhythm and frequency make me think about music and how music has been around us forever and how music, I know just for myself, has a direct relationship with happiness. I feel like music is a way of tuning a human being. We tune a guitar or an instrument to then tune ourselves. And we listen to music to tune ourselves as well. Try singing, or dancing. They are great personal tuners.

But rhythm and frequency do not only show up in music but they are the underlying truth about all Existence! Waaaaa! We go to bed once a day, we wake up once a day, we normally eat 3 times a day, more or less, we go do number 2 more or less once a day, the sun rises once a day and sets once a day, the moon has its own cycle as well, and the ocean follows this cycle. The winds follow the cycle of the sun, the same as the birds and the same as us. We can observe and feel and be a million different cycles.

The inner revelation that I had is that the universe is always putting us in the rhythm and frequency in which it is at and the perfect rhythm and frequency in which we need to be. The fighting of that is what causes us discomfort, dis-ease, unbalance, so again, I am going to let myself be in the rhythm and frequency that the universe wants me to be. Thanks Anne for sharing you story and creating resonance in my brain, which lead me to connect with deep existential truths.

Happy weekend to everyone! Love is the tuning into every frequency that we feel and feeling compassion within it, I think. And this creates understanding and connection, I think as well.

The inspiration cave.

Fall in tune with the universe and dance and sing to its rhythm. Blessings family!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Changing Habits – Day 27

Alrighty then! Hello everyone! The week is slowly winding down. I feel like I am winding down myself. I made myself not drink mate yesterday because I felt I had drank too much the day before and because I don’t want my body to depend on it. It was a rough day. I had a hard time staying awake in front of the computer, so I am guessing that my body indeed is a bit addicted to it. I was going to do the same thing today but I think I am going to drink a bit instead so I can actually be awake and do stuff. When I feel tired like this I look at a bed or a couch and the idea of falling asleep seems so nice!!! But the water for the mate is heating up and soon I will be full speed. I will try to slowly get off of it or drink a little bit less a day. However, I love mate and I love the ritual that comes with drinking it so it will always be around me. I just don't want to abuse it.

This morning and last night I meditated on some little couches we have on our front porch. It was beautiful, soothing and relaxing. I think I had a great sleep due to that meditation. Also, all this inward and creative practice have kept my emotions in check. I am not getting anxious, I am not getting over excited (well maybe when I learn something AWESOME I get over excited), I am not getting overwhelmed much lately and I didn’t even cry when Uruguay lost against Argentina two days ago. I guess I will really test this when I have to go to the Water Department to ask them if they could fix a water pipe that is leaking right outside of my house. It will be fine.

Mate water is ready!

Yesterday we went to the supermarket with Elkita and got a bunch of produce. I have been reading Mariana’s and Chris’ posts and they are both mentioning detox and they are both mentioning a lot of green smoothies. Green smoothies are better than all fruit smoothies because they have less sugar, they have more fiber and the greens have some kind of component that keep you energized and craving less foods for longer periods of time. Sugar gives you a high but also a low that makes you crave food quicker. Sugar in general causes inflammation in our body and this inflammation is what prevents our body from functioning properly and eventually creating diseases. Sugar in not just sugar cane or fruit sugar but it’s also the sugar the body creates when quickly processing processed simple carbs like flour. I started seeing processed simple carbs as a body cocaine since they gives the body a sugar rush and then the body needs more. I notice this when I eat chips. I cannot stop eating them, so I don’t buy them. Remember when I talked about creating our environments? This is an example. Not buying foods that harm you so we are not tempted to eat them. Full stocked pantries with a bunch of processed goodies are a curse and the worst temptation.

A funny story is that while growing up, my mom used to buy sweet stuff to keep in the pantry and the stuff would disappear in less than half a day. It was three growing boys in the house. My mom learned fast and stopped buying sweet stuff. We never had Coke, we never had cookies, we never had sweet cornflakes, and we never had ice-cream. Well we actually would have ice-cream every once in a while but Tommy would eat up the entire quart in one sitting. We also used to buy sweet yogurt and I was the one in charge of finishing the quart before anyone else was awake in the house. I am glad my mom learned fast. I think this decision of having a non-sugar and non-processed addictive foods in our pantry helped us be healthier today. Thanks mom!

I am not saying cut sugar. I am just saying be moderate. When you make a smoothie incorporate some greens instead of all fruits like I used to do. Now I started with green smoothies. Thanks Mariana and Chris for the great tips.

I also started reading Amateo Ra’s eBook which talk about getting through resistance to evolve into our Higher Selves. I just read the beginning and it is looking pretty interesting.

That’s all for today family! I am trusting the universe is guiding you through your path and that you are constantly shedding layers of conditioning and breaking through resistance to continuously evolve into your higher self.

The mate has definitely woken me up!

Hulk green smoothie glass and mate savior


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Letting Myself Flow – Day 26

Good morning everyone! Sun is shining her in Atenas, Costa Rica. I reincorporated a practice I had put on hold for a while. I am talking about meditating. A moment to be with yourself and listen to your inner body. I have been jumping from one thing to the next without stop. Don’t get me wrong. I have been jumping from amazing thing to amazing thing but there was not much time for myself in silence. Today, I decided to change that and sat outside after my breakfast and just was. I sat looking at the Sun rise over the houses. I sat, listening to my breath and the calmness of it. I sat outside watching birds fly by. I sat outside with Lupe. I reincorporated this practice because I read an article by Amateo Ra about connecting to your Higher Self and it mentioned meditation which reminded me how much I like meditation and slowing down and how much I need it in these moments of rapid change. I love meditating but sometimes my mind wins over my wisdom and I get trapped in the cycle of doing stuff, of being as “productive” as possible. This even includes listening incredible podcasts. However, there is nothing greater than tapping into our Higher Self wisdom. Take a breath each day and dedicate it to yourself.

There has been a lot happening lately and slowly through this creative blog, through the creativity I am expressing at work, through the tools I am receiving from the network marketing project, through personal practice, through talks with my wife, through tapping into other people’s lives virtually and seeing the amazing work they are doing, I am balancing with my core and slowly getting to understand my purpose in this point of my life. I still do not have it defined exactly but as far as I know my purpose is to be a good husband, a good family member, a good friend, a good neighbor and practice my creativity every day to keep marching into my higher calling. When I say good I mean true to my essence.

I invite you to start exploring yourself, find your core values, your core passions. Here is where you will impact the world the most. This will not be done immediately, but start letting yourself flow and have faith that the Being will guide you towards your true path. Make the move today. Free yourself with one little act of creativity today and then commit to it every day. Please let me know where this path takes you. Keep in touch.


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Modern Heroes – Health Coaches – Day 25

Happy Tuesday everyone!!! Very inspiring morning. I am a little late to work but I have been checking out some interesting nutritional information online and several ideas have been coming to my head for future projects. This is day 25 of this 30 day writing commitment but I think I am going to roll straight into the next 30 day commitment which will be like a season 2 of this writing commitment but with some evolution. I might take a couple of days off to let all the teachings from this blog sink in.

This morning I prepared a little magic potion with garden ingredients for my lady that was feeling a little strange in the belly. I was feeling strange too. I know that nature, our ecosystem and our environment can heal us in times of sickness. In the fast paced times in which we live, sometimes we don’t give time for our bodies to heal themselves by resting, because we have so many commitments and so many places we need to be, so we just pop a pill and keep on going. Our body should be our first commitment. No questions asked. We don’t give our temple the rest it needs to heal itself, instead we just take a chemical shortcut in fear that someone might be mad that we are not doing our job for the company, or just fear of not doing our jobs, or just because our minds are so accelerated that they cannot stop to let the healing process take over.

Resting and healthy food is all we need to fight our typical diseases. The body has the wisdom to cure and re-balance itself and if we are conscious of that we can help it out with food and rest. And you know what? Our bodies get stronger when they can heal themselves. If we try to heal ourselves with the quick fix, our body cannot develop the strength to combat these diseases and our body becomes weaker and weaker as time goes by. Also, the secondary effects of chemicals and antibiotics in our body are enormous as time goes by. Let your body heal itself. It has the wisdom to do so. We just have to give it time and feed it right. We cannot embrace a society that does not treasure the temples of each of its individuals. Treasure your temple. Your temple is you greatest tool to make an impact in this world so if it is not healthy then the rest will not be healthy.

This being said there are several people that are committing their lives to help us along the path of healing our bodies with food and good practice, instead of pharmaceutical medicine. They help us and teach us how to maintain health throughout our lives in an integral way. We call these people health coaches.

Our western medicine has been focusing on battling specific disease and we have become pretty good at it. We can deal with emergencies pretty well. But all this specific focus on killing a specific disease has caused us to forget the big picture, the integral picture of our health.

Health coaches are key players in medicine now a days since they can complement doctors by helping the people to be healthy and prevent disease while the doctors can make decisions in times of emergency.

Two of the health coaches I have been following are Mariana Stabile, a lady I know from my school in Uruguay and my brother Chris Campbell. They have both graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and they are practicing as health coaches.

Follow Mariana in her page and follow Chris on his page. Both of them have their own approach on how to maintain health in a holistic way based on their life experiences. Check them out, it’s very interesting.



And if you feel like you need some help with your health (to tell you the truth we probably all do) don’t hesitate to shoot them a message and start a relationship with them. They are our modern heroes and they are in this Earth to help us out!

Blessings to all!

Monday, June 15, 2015

3 months - Day 24

And we are starting all over again. A new beginning, a new earth, a new morning, a new week! Like when a child comes into the world from a mom’s womb. It is its new earth and the first impression is shocking. Monday might feel like that to a lot of people. A new earth that we are pushed into without us even choosing. Don’t worry, its ok. It’s time for new magical things to arise.

Just got done with a little yoga session. It was nice, as I was able to stretch out my legs and back which were still sore from our run on Saturday and now I am with my morning routine mate! Aaaaaaa!

The truth is that the day started slow. I was not really feeling extremely excited about getting out of bed. I was feeling like sleeping in but I got up anyway, made some breakfast and did yoga and now mate. The yoga and the mate are turning things around. Also, remembering that today is our 3 monthiversary with Elkita has created a new spark in me! Being married to this lady is pretty amazing! What a blessing! And the story of how we got to this point is pretty fun as well. Lots of ebbs and flows!

It all started in College Station, TX. First as friends. Dave, Leo, Maritza and myself took Elke camping on her first weekend in Texas. She was a little scared at first. She saw the mate and thought "Oh my God, what is that!". We took her camping because her friend Ana Elisa, which was our friend as well asked me to take her out. So we did. Patricia, Elke’s mom says it all started there, however we didn’t even know. I had already graduated at the time but I stayed in the college town a couple more years trying to understand what was the path I should take, (I am still trying to understand) and having fun with friends that I still had around.

Elke and I were friends for her first year in college, but in her second year, one evening things changed. I was always attracted to her energy and how she sparked up the place with her craziness, but this night the attraction changed. I was attracted to her entire being. That night I seduced her with poetic lines about her legs and we laughed a lot together. I was ready to kiss her but she had made a promise that she could not break.

That weekend we talked several times and we went out one more time. This time she did let me kiss her! The promise was not directed to me.

At that time I was working in Louisiana on natural gas drilling rigs and my schedule was two weeks on and two weeks off. I was so happy about what had happened between us that I was ready to ask her if I could move in the weeks that I was off. She did not have the same in mind. After my next weeks of work I came back to College Station and we went out for a burger. Here I told her that I did not foresee myself being a boss or having a boss. This did not strike the right chord in Elke. “This guy wants to be a beach bum” she said to herself, since I was also planning a trip with Dave through all the Pacific coast in a VW van. She completely stopped answering my messages after that. I was heartbroken and could not understand what was happening. She never told me until a couple of years ago.

We kept in relative touch after that. I actually did not answer her emails once she started writing back. It wasn’t on purpose. I was out of touch and a little heartbroken. But then I started answering again.

Fast forwarding to the end of 2012 when the universe was ending, Elke writes her intentions and goals for 2013 in her journal and one of them was: “Nourish deep and random relationships (Allan)”. And as you all know, the universe provides when you set your intentions, so in May of 2013 I did a surfing trip through Costa Rica with Dave and in out last day of the trip we reunited with Elke. It was magic! From there on the story just naturally unfolded. We met a couple of times, once in LA for Dominic’s wedding and once in Costa Rica where I came to visit. We also never stopped writing to each other. Actually we were writing several pages a day to each other. And in October of 2013 after Dave made the move to Costa Rica I moved too. And now Elke and I are married hehe! The engagement story is for another time. What a journey! Thanks Elkita for bringing me into your life. Thanks to the universe as well.

Three monthers!

In parenthesis, I do have a boss now. He is one of my greatest mentors and also Elke is not scared of the thought of not having or not being a boss. We are good!

I am still listening to the yoga music I was listening during my practice. I like to put on yoga music because I feel like I am floating through space just travelling through the billions of light years with complete ease.

Also, today is my friend Nico Berges’ birthday. Happy birthday my brother man. I trust the universe will bless your kind, loving heart today and always. And also, my friend Dani just had his second daughter with his wife Sara in Sweden! Congratulations Dani!!! And to everyone else, Happy Monday let this new earth be and exist.


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Let your guides in - Day 23

Alright everyone! Writing time! First of all, happy Sunday! I hope this has been a spiritual day for you all.

Here in Atenas the day is winding down. Elke is motivated with a new spiritual podcast app she found with one of her favourite life mentors.

I have been chilling watching futbol and surf and now writing. I have been feeding from Elkita's inspiration! She is one of my main life guides. The energy of the day has been pretty great!

After a month or so after coming back from our honey moon we are re finding our bearings and we are re setting our Norths as Elke likes to says. We are also tapping into some Godly wisdom sources that have guided us in the past and are now returning to refresh those teachings and bring us new ones. The Being will work through us. Trust.

We are reaching out to our community to work together to make an impact in peoples lives. Life is magical and a rollercoaster at the same time. Find your guides, rely on your community and go full steam into what ever project you are working on. God will guide you one step at the time. And if fear arises, remember that on the other side of that fear is where the path to evolution lies.

Happy Sunday peeps! Let your guides in.

Full day and already in bed - Day 22

Good night and good fight family! This is the latest I have ever written in these 22 days. It is already 11pm and I am writing from my phone and from the bed. Elkita is sleeping right next to me and Lupe is in one of the corners of the room with her blanket. We are at Elke's parents' house. They had us for dinner and Konrad and Stevo prepared us some delicious pizzas.

It has been a high energy day. We started with a run down and up a hill in Atenas. The up the hill part was tough. My ass muscles hurt now. Lupe came with Elke and myself and on our way back she laid in every puddle she could find. She was exhausted and really hot.

Then I biked around town looking for an event where an Argentinian economist was going to talk about the exchange economy, "el trueque". The address of the event was: 400 mts west of the Jalagon restaurant, at the old San Rafael school. I biked everywhere and was not able to find the event. I even asked everyone and was able to find the old school but there was nothing there. Very strange.

I took the opportunity to go visit a couple of friends instead.

In the after noon we watched Uruguay vs Jamaica for the copa America and Uruguay won and then we went to a training of a network marketing project Elke and I are working in. The training was super inspiring which elevated the energy of the day even more.

Thats it folks. I am passing out  and writing from the phone is extremly uncomfortable.

Cease this moment always!

Jah bless and good night! Happy Saturday! I am excited to pass out. I love sleeping!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Yo soy, Je suis, Yo sos, Je sus – Day 21

How is everyone doing this Friday!? Work week is done! Now let the creativity and the craziness in! Yoohoo! What to do!!!?? Allan, focus! Writing first hehe! One step at the time if not you get way ahead of yourself and then you get lost. Hehe. That is what I am telling myself at this moment.
Tonight I feel like drinking a beer, watching some surf on the TV (the Fiji Pro tournament in ON) and relax with friends and not do much else. I feel like having a little party and some drinks. I guess what I want to say is that I want to socialize a bit. Anyone in!? I have been in the cave too much today! I am glad my wife is coming home soon!

Today I had an inspirational moment while finishing a presentation for a potential new client. I almost could not contain myself and wanted to share the excitement with my family. Instead I ended up just focusing on work. Guess what happened? The potential client never showed up to the presentation! Arghh! I was telling myself that I should have listened to my intuition. I feel like intuition knows the future so it can decide based on that knowledge, but I was expecting another future, so I decided to focus on work instead of talking about my revelation. Allan, work! The deadline is approaching! Hehe!. Nothing to get all worked up about, at the end of the day, all happenings are Godly and perfectly timed, nothing else could have happened, but definitely something to consider next time. Be aware of my intuition and if the energy is high and it’s asking me to act upon it, go for it!

Here I go. This is what I was all excited about. I am kind of reading this book called Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (strangest last name I have ever seen and read! Never mind I cannot read that). This book is Konrad’s, my father in law. Elke had it in her room and I borrowed it. This is how the book found me. I read bits and pieces of it here and there and this time I had it in the toilet room, so I started reading it again while doing a number two. Good times. The book’s main message, at least in the parts that I read, is that if we can control our consciousness from outside influence, and by outside influences the autor means society structures, media, propaganda, how other people treat you, school or home results, religion or basically anything that happens externally to oneself, then we can be happy or we can create happiness from within. I agree! But the specific section or example that Mihaly gave that drove me nuts, was that if Jesus comes again, Christian’s would crucify him again! And I think that is true because imagine someone dressed up in the simplest form coming up to you and saying, “hey I am Jesus, follow me”, hehe, what would you do!? Would you follow? What would most people do? Most people would say that this person is crazy. Almost nobody in the Christian society lives in tune with Jesus’ values. We live in tune with the societal structure created around the Church institution. Either way, there isn’t anyone to blame or we don’t have to punish ourselves for not living in Jesus’ values we just have to learn to evolve. The revelation that I had, and that I wanted to share, was that we have to think outside of what people tell us are truths, think outside the status quo and start living according to our values. And our core values are Jesus’ values. When the church says that Jesus will come again, this is just to keep everyone waiting, in obedience and in control. Everyone just wait, Jesus IS coming. How long have we repeated that? Jesus is already here! He is in all of us. We are Jesus. I am Jesus. You are Jesus too. It’s up to us to let that Jesus rise inside of us. No one has to tell us that we have to wait for him. We are him. So challenge the status quo and live in your values. Nobody will save us. Only Jesus will save me and I am already Jesus.  

Blessing Jesuses of the world!

After writing Jesuses, I feel like something is weird. Jesuses doesn’t seem right, so my conclusion is that the same Jesus (Oneness) is within all of us. We are all the son of God!

Also, Je-sus, almost sounds like I AM in French but it also sounds like, Yo sos, in Spanish which means I ARE which to me means I am you or I am everything! Wow!

That’s it from me! Spread the Love! Be the Love! It’s all that matters.


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Magical Lives / Bringing in the Light – Day 20

Good morning family! I am back to the morning writing. This morning with coffee instead of mate hehe. It is a nice change. I have learned to like coffee here in Costa Rica. Their coffee is pretty tasty and it’s a big part of the culture so I like to embrace it.

Today I am planning on driving to the beach, hopefully I can get a surf in, but the main reason of why I am going is to pick up my friends Lauren and Chris! The exciting news with them is that they are with child and they are expecting her to be born in one month more or less! And another piece of that exciting news is that they are having it in our house in the most natural of forms with a mid-wife! I am picking them up so they can meet up with their mid-wife tomorrow!

They both decided to move to Costa Rica several months ago to transition to a life closer to nature and into a life where their baby can be immersed in nature right away. There is probably many other reasons why they did the move as well.

Lauren and Chris are both artists and light beings that know the power that each one of us has in this universe and they harness that power to serve nature, others and themselves every day. Since they arrived to Costa Rica they have been developing a symbiotic relationship with their environment. They have fully connected with the environment helping it out and letting it help them. And by environment, I mean their community, their house, their food, their art, their garden and more! They have been creating foods, from their local resources, that they share at the farmers market, they have doing their art, they have been planting their garden, they have been cutting and styling people’s hairs for weddings and they have been helping manage one of the yoga centers in the area. They can probably tell you more about what they are working on!

Here is Chris’ art page:
And here is Lauren’s beauty page:
Check them out!

Lauren and Chris are a living representation of the connection we have with Being and their child will be born into this relationship. A gift from the heavens with Godly wisdom is coming into their lives! Their life is an inspiration!

Chris and Lauren

Talking about inspiration, last night I watched another inspirational movie with my friend Andrew about this surfer guy from Galveston, Texas that was top in everything from surfing to university to being the head doctor in the medical association of his State when he realized that people where not actually trying to help out but rather everyone was doing what they were doing for themselves and for the material wealth they could accumulate. He realized he was in the wrong place in life and said he was out and moved into a camper van to raise his family away from the brain washing society. When the typical parent would say to their child “Stay in school and don’t go swimming with sharks”, he would say “its ok to go swimming with sharks but do not go to school”. 

Traditional school (this is changing now) was created to create industry interchangeable line worker people that could work in factories to fullfull the need of the industrial revolution Check out Seth Godin’s Youth Ted Talk. Times are changing!!!

This man I am talking about is Dr. Dorian “Doc” Paskowitz and “Surfwise” is the movie that tells his and his family’s story. Doc never took pharmaceutical medicine and died at 94. I like that!

There are magical lives everywhere. Step into yours!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Follow your Heart - Day 19

Hi peeps another afternoon/evening of writing. Right now I have a little bit of a jumble in my brain. Sometimes simple decisions escalate in my brain and I cannot decide and the situation paralizes me. At least I can write about it and it helps. I am not completely paralized. The trick is to be able to listen to my heart and decide based on that, but sometimes I cannot hear it clearly due to the noise.

One of my greatest mentors in recent times has been Robin Braun. She helped see my trapped emotions, and we reprogrammed my brain to release those emotions and bring in new sets of beliefs to help in my evolution. The change was amazing! She is the founder of Check her out! Specially if you are feeling stuck in some parts of your life.

Besides helping me unblock my emotions and set my brain free in a lot of areas she also told me a trick to directly communicate with my heart. In moments of confusion ask yourself what you want and then write down the answer on a piece of paper with your left hand if you are right handed or with your right hand if you are left handed. Your heart will be channelled with no interference. Then have the courage to act upon that Heart decision.

Blessings family!

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Unconditional Lupe – Day 18

An atypical Tuesday. I am writing in the afternoon since the circumstances of the day left me with this moment to write my daily post. The morning was pretty busy and I had to get on going pretty quickly. I had to be at the vet at 7am because we needed to get a blood sample from Lupe, my dog, so it could then be sent to the University of Kansas, where it will be tested for rabies. Not that Lupe has signs of rabies or anything like that, but it is a requirement we need to fulfill to be able to travel with Lupe to Europe. Yes, we are taking Lupe to Holland! I think she will like the weather but she will definitely miss the waves.

Lupe is already a travelling dog. I adopted her in Austin, Texas. At that time I did not have a car so she used to run right next to my bicycle. She is great at that! We travelled all over Austin. She loves Zilker Park and any water hole she could find including Barton Creek. Then I bought a little bike trailer (check out this post to see the trailer in action) and we were able to travel longer distances since I would put her in the trailer when she was tired. To tell you the truth she did not like it that much.

Once I got my car in Austin, she became the co-pilot, travelling even larger distances. I would take her to Dallas to see my parents and to Houston to see my brother Chris. She even came with my Dad and myself on a roadtrip from Austin to Miami and back one Christmas break when we went to see my other brother Tommy and his wife Ale. She loooooves roadtrips and does not like staying at home by herself.

Of course, once I moved to Costa Rica I had to bring her with. She did awesome, and she loves her crate in which she traveled. In Costa Rica she has lived on the beach where she was in her best shape, running almost 6 km a day and playing in the beach for about 3 hours (she waits and plays while Dave and I surf, she is amazing!). In Costa Rica she has traveled to the city to stay with her best friend Oscar several times. They even got sick together. Both of them have traveled with us on a family vacation to Nicaragua! That was an interesting adventure, hehe! Now she lives in Atenas in the hills between the city in the mountain plains and the beach. And as I mention above, her next destination is Holland. I almost need to get her a worldwide passport.

This post is dedicated to my canine companion Lupe. I never thought I could love a dog as much as love her. She is definitely my first adopted child and she is by my side and by every good person’s side always. She always offering her unconditional love. Gracias Lupe!

One last note on unconditional love. I just heard another great podcast in the Unmistakable Creative called “Accepting the transparent reality of your core identity” with Wesley Chapman. Wesley mentions that one of the greatest teaching he has ever received is to see a person’s weakness as their FALSE self and see their greatness as their TRUE self, as their potential to change the world. As we mentioned before everyone has the answer within themselves. Let this teaching guide us in all our human relationships. We are all brothers.

Lupe falls asleep on the veggies of the farmer market.

Lupe goes surfing.

Lupe with Oscar, Elke and myself in the mountain.

Lupe's first time at the beach. Nos she can't hold herself.

Lupe in Miami for Christmas.

Lupe modeling.

Monday, June 08, 2015

Life is to do what you Love! – Day 17

From Sunday to Monday! The transition is almost complete. As my Mom said and I agree, Sunday is a transition day and Monday morning might be the last part of the transition. Let’s start this week in full steam.

Last night it rained all night long, which was amazing to sleep in to and this morning the Sun rose behind a heavy layer of clouds making it seem like it was earlier than what it was. Either way, at 5:30 am, we got out of bed, had some breakfast and prepared a mate to start the week with all the energy!

This week might be an important week in the evolution of human kind. There is a platform being developed where people can collaborate sharing their skills with people that need these skills, for free. So basically a platform that links people’s skills to people’s needs. And by skill I mean a skill but also a skill that the person likes doing. For example I like writing about spiritual/life evolution things, and playing rugby, and surfing and playing guitar and singing and teaching kids about food. I could offer to write a blog for a school or a yoga center, I could also offer being a rugby coach or a volunteer in schools teaching kids about food (which I am kind of doing next door). At the same time I need someone to help me with my soil pH balance so the ant earth healers do not have to do all the work, I also need help creating a bluetooth receiver out of a raspberry pi and I need guidance on how to setup my classes with the kids. This platform can connect me to the right people that enjoy doing these kinds of things. A continuous pay it forward, with people doing what they like! Don’t you think this is a perfect system and is aligned with what we are here to do? No need to exchange money for things you enjoy doing, the reward is the satisfaction of helping and doing what you love! And also you get visibility in the platform. Sit tight! Once the platform is up and running I will let you know and everyone can be part of it. Let me know if you would be interested in this kind of economy or social system and I will point you to the right place. (allanpcampbell*AT*; whatsapp +five cero six 8489 2181).

That being said, do not wait for a platform to start sharing and helping others with what you love doing. Start doing it now and connect with your community or cyber community or with yourself to start off. If every day we don’t do something we love then there is no point in life. But if we do something we love everyday then that is evolution. That is our purpose. That is how we contribute to the world. If you are happy then everyone else is. Start rising to your full potential today!

Blessings to all and happy Monday! I think the mate kicked in!!!

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Sleepy Sunday - Day 16

Sunday fun-day some say. For us it was Sunday sleep-in day. Elkita and I kept on waking up and then falling into deep sleep for another 30 - 60 min. It was great! We did this 3 or 4 times or more. I can't even rememeber since everything was getting mixed up with the vivid dreams I was having.

One of the dreams was about a lady that I know, talking about her family with the Pope. In the dream this lady had enormous teeth and the teeth were inside beer cans. The Pope did not seem to care about this strangeness. Even though I was in the dream as well, it did seem strange to me.

As mentioned in my "Let your Sun Shine!" (, Sunday falls out of the routine day making it harder to get a grip on and harder to determine priorities. The mind seems to be more scattered. I am feeling a little like that today. We can start seeing the pattern of emotions that arise on Sunday's. This makes me think that there is something engraved in us around this day. Any one have any thoughts or ideas? Do you want to share your Sunday feeling? Please do so. Leave a comment in this post or send me an email at or a whatsapp at +506 8489 2181.

Following my advice from 2 weeks ago I am going to put some music on and get creative! That sounds lovely. Actually, first, I will set some time to research living opportunities in Holland and then creativity! Also, if anyone has some good advice on where to live in Holland that is fun and inexpensive please let me know. We are open to almost anywhere in Holland.

Happy Sunday to all of you!!!

My Sunday office

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Oh! What a new day! - Day 15

Oh ! What a new day! Bob Marley said.

This morning we woke up listening to some recordings on my phone. One was Elkita and myself signing Ballad of a Teenage Queen from Johnny Cash and the other was a 15 minute mashup of Lauro with his guitar, armonica and voice. What a talent! Then I listened to some Alfredo Zitarroza smoking a little tabacco rollup, remembering our honeymoon in Uruguay. Both the tabacco and the music transported me. Memories are good times, specially when they generate good feelings. Trascending time through feelings.

After that, it was Bob Marley time and in one of his concerts before singing No Woman No Cry he says, "Everyone has the answer, don't fool yourselves." Waaaa! Trust that I am it! No need to keep on searching!

The weekend is here again! Blessings to you all!


Friday, June 05, 2015

Working for the Whole – Day 14

How things are happening! This morning we woke up to a sunny day here in Atenas, Costa Rica. We are actually in rainy season and the past couple of days have been overcast so seeing the Sun and the blue sky this morning is amazing. We prepared breakfast with Elke. I did the fruit smoothie which included ginger and Spirulina and Elke prepared tortillas con queso with avocado which we ate with spicy sauce to turn on the heat! We sat outside to enjoy the bright Sun.

Before breakfast I took a walk through the garden and saw a lot of things happening. We have a bunch of leaf cutter ant colonies and the ants where working away rebuilding their tunnels and their interface with the surface mounds. These creatures have one of the greatest work ethics I have ever seen. They work in the mornings rebuilding their houses and in the evening and night they travel huge distances to pick up food and feed their colony. They do not only work for themselves but for their ecosystem, which by the way, we are part of as well. For example, there is a bunch of fruit that fell on to our drive way, from our manzana de agua tree, and the ants are working every night to pick up pieces of those fruit and take them into their house for food, and as a side effect they are cleaning up our drive way. We are not having to do any of the work. It is amazing! From what I read, they do a lot of this kind of work. They cut or trim plants that are not in their best health and turn them into nutrients inside the earth. Some call them earth destroyers but I call them Earth healers. If you see leaf cutter ants it’s because your earth or your ecosystem needs some healing.

A funny story regarding perspectives and the ants, is that last year my wonderful neighbor noticed that the leaf cutter ants were cutting down one of our bushes. Keep in mind that she is a really nice lady and really cares about me and our garden. She would never intend any harm. Quite the opposite, she is always looking to help out. She said, "you have an ant problem, they are eating up your garden! You need to poison them", I told her "what you are saying is partially true, the ants are eating my garden yes but it's ok." A couple of days later she came back again and said, "how are your ants?" and I told her, "I think they are gone." She said, "yes I put a little substance in their path and they picked it up and took it into their house to poison the colony." She was happy to eradicate the problem. I was sad for a second but I knew the ants would come back because the garden still needed healing. The Mother Earth is wise. No matter if we know it or not. We have to work with it.

With the rainy season here, everything is starting to grow again. I am noticing that some plants that we planted last year are starting to grow again, for example, there are Turmeric plants that are popping up and there is a Tiquisque, which is another bulb that is also re sprouting. It is a magical time. Everything is transforming so quickly and we get to see it happen. Again, Mother Earth's alchemy to its finest.

Our gardens are teachers, they show us some of the deepest values of existence. Go outside, take a look at what is happening and let it sink in. The more days you observe the more you start learning the patterns.

Earth Healer

Earth Healers Building the Hole in the Early Morning

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Good Morning – Day 13

Good morning life family and everyone else in the universe! I trust that the Being is guiding you through your path. It for sure is guiding me!

Here I am in my amazing morning routine. This blog has been a blessing for me. I wake up excited every day to come write. I wake up early, full of energy. I cannot wait to get to write. Today I even wanted to skip my yoga practice to start writing. This blog is a way of connecting with myself and with all of you out there that send me all your energies by reading this. I am getting to know myself in a deeper way. It is amazing. I love this ritual. I also love it because it comes together with a delicious mate, which by the way, today tastes a little bit like coffee because our stove is not working and I had to heat up water in the coffee machine, hehe! Either way it is delicious and hot and bitter, mmmm!

I was not a morning person. I thought it was because I was born 11am in the morning. I was not a morning person because I like sleeping so much and I liked staying in bed as long as possible. While waking up in the morning, my mind always created rational reasons why what needed to be done in the morning was not that important and that sleeping in a bit more was the way to go. This happened to me throughout all my school and college days. Waking up in the morning and gently falling asleep again is a great feeling! When people say that a third of our life is spent sleeping, I say, that is awesome! Also, I love sleeping because in our dreams we travel to magical places! We are free from form.

In the past year I learned to love the mornings with the help of my wife who is a morning person. I learned to love them for several reasons. I love waking up with the sun and falling in tune with the rhythm of the day. This helps me flow. I love waking up and having time to prepare a delicious breakfast because, ironically, breakfast is my favorite meal. And drinking a morning mate is indescribable. I love the morning light. I love having a lot of time before I actually have to start working. I love being creative in the morning when I am full of energy because I am excited to be creating. And I also started loving going to bed early so I can sleep my 8 hours. This being said I am still aware that my peak production time of the day is between 4 and 7pm, not sure why.

Today, I just wanted to share that I am excited about life! Happy! And this blog is helping me keep that excitement. Thanks everyone for reading and sending me feedback. I encourage you to commit to a part of your creativity every day and let it take you on a life journey. Blessings and Love to all of you!

By the way, yesterday’s English class with the kids was amazing. We prepared a smoothie and made a big mess! It was awesome! We then cleaned it up as part of the class too, hehe! 

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Get help from the Un-seen / Create your system – Day 12

Hello everyone! Back to the routine in full throttle! Things are moving fast and at times it seems like there are not enough hours in a day to do all that I want. Also, not sleeping my daily 8 hours for the past week or so is being noticed by my body and brain. I like to sleep 8 hours a day at least hehe.

Today I have another meeting with my boss as a continuation of the performance review. New creative opportunities are arising at work requiring my full attention and action. I am excited! Also, today is the class with the kids next door which I need to prepare for, and my environmental IT consulting work is ramping up quickly! It’s go time and I am thrilled to be writing this blog to share it with you!

Have you ever had the feeling of not having enough time to accomplish everything? I have several ideas that we can think about to strive through these moments.

First, rest, healthy food and exercise. I know these are not always possible but they are essential to maintain brain functions at their peak. Also, by having a full functional brain I can be open to opportunities that arise that might help me in my projects, reducing the time I have to spend on them.

Second, spirituality. Having a spiritual practice helps me be connected with existence and also trust that the right answer and the right opportunity will come at the right time. This also liberates me from being a prisoner of my mind’s dilemmas and my mind’s infinite to do list. Yoga fulfils this category and part of the one above.

Third, intentions/goals. Having a periodic visualization of your intentions and your goals make the universe help you realize these. Believe me, when I know what I want and I expose this “want” to the universe, the universe provides by helping me create the reality I want or by simply creating it for me. It is that simple. Find your wants and set your intentions every day and check what happens. Do it!

Fourth, externalize, manage and determine only next steps towards the goals. Getting everything out of my head by writing or by talking to someone or by making a voice note helps keep my mind clear, and again, ready for this moment where all the answers arise. I only need to focus on what I need to do now. That is it.

Fifth, my environment. I talked about this in my Designing and Creating our Happy Places post. Having our environments work with us is essential to experience the full potential of our energy. Our energy gets leveraged.

Sixth, my life team! As I mentioned in another post we are all the same Being with different ways of experiencing the world, hence different perspectives and different strengths and weaknesses. These different perspectives and different strengths and weaknesses are key to my success. Our team is what takes our work to our next level. It is up to you who is in your team. It would be great to have a team member that mentors us in every of the areas I am identifying in this blog.

Seventh, maintain happiness. Do something that makes you happy every day. Commit to that! You are the most important Being in this world. If you are not happy the world isn’t either. Happiness is key to success. Success does not bring happiness, it’s the other way around.

All of the above work in the un-seen realm which does not depend on time so we can strive and succeed in our physical realm that depends on time. The un-seen brings in the answers in the Now.

The team

Since the beginning

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

The Shifts - Day 11

Here we are with Elkita heading back to beautiful Costa Rica. The nostalgic feeling is still lingering and at the same time other exciting emotions start creeping up due to the new horizons that start to pop up. The closest horizon is, my performance review with my boss today. This is an opportunity to talk about lessons learned from the past year and start envisioning new paths for the new year. Another horizon, as you all know, is my Wednesday class with the kids, so I will be preparing myself with new material. A longer term horizon is our move to Holland, so Elkita and I need to continue moving forward with our preparations. At the some time other projects are in the brewing. Maybe one day I will actually have a real brewing project. And also I am back to my writing which I had paused for the past days.

It is like I am in a realm shift. Coming from an emotional, full of connectedness weekend (Realm A), into a project, creativity full, routine mode (Realm B). The only travelers in this journey are my wife Elkita and myself. Our bodies are our vessels, existence itself is the medium which we are navigating, and as I mentioned in the previous post, our emotions are our guides. We are constantly navigating this medium into infinite different realms.